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After the judge questioned the veracity, the witness said he would look the magistrate in the eye as proof that he would not lie.
From the Editors
In an argument with a witness, the judge of the Federal District Paulo Afonso Correia Lima Siqueira questioned the veracity of the testimony presented.
How do I know you're telling the truth?  the judge asked.
The witness states:  Looking into your eyes, I am telling the truth. I did not come here to lie .
The judge then replied:  I am not an ophthalmologist. If you are thinking that I am an ophthalmologist, I am not here to examine anyone's eyes .
Watch the scene:
Police officer reprimanded
Judge Paulo Afonso was the same one who, in 2023, lost his patience with a military police officer during a hearing. According to the magistrate, the officer had faked the situation to enter a residence where there were drugs.
You are not a civil police officer, you are a military police officer. It is up to you to pass on information to the Civil Police for investigation. If you want to be an investigator, take the investigator exam.
The judge stated that it was not the first time the police officer had done this and that his patience had run out; and that he would not arrest him, but would inform the Military Police's internal affairs department so that the officer could be held accountable.
link: https://www.migalhas.com.br/quentes/423594/nao-sou-oftalmologista--diz-juiz-a-testemunha-sobre-olhar-nos-olhos


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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