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Alessandro Alves Jacob

Phone ‎Rio de Janeiro: +55-21-3942-1026
Phone São Paulo: +55-11-3280-2197
Phone Portugal: +351-21-750-2119
Phone United States: +1-305-851-7982
Phone United Kingdom: +44-020-8144-4939

Attorney Mr. Alessandro Jacob has nearly three decades of experience which includes practicing in some of the largest and most respected law firms in the country before founding ALVES JACOB LAW FIRM in 2003 in Brazil, He now has reached the top of his profession providing the best possible representation. When you walk into a courtroom with Attorney Alessandro Jacob at your side, you will know that you have retained a fierce advocate, effective negotiator, trusted counsel, and top-notch defense attorney.

He draws on that experience to offer Individuals and companies throughout the Brazil and Portugal, representation regarding a variety of matters, from pre-suit disputes, through all phases of litigation, including state and federal trials. Before starting his own law career, he devoted his practice to learning about day-to-day legal problems and providing solutions to his clients. He worked at six other both small and large law firms, where he gained valuable experience in all aspects of Brazilian law.

In addition to his extensive experience in Law, Mr. Jacob offers client consultation regarding all legal areas covered in the office. Mr. Jacob's background includes serving as International Lawyer with legal services for Brazilians and non-Brazilians. Mr. Jacob has obtained excellent results in numerous state and federal courts throughout the country. He is also a frequent speaker and writer on legal issues.

Mr. Alessandro Alves Jacob has written several published articles on Brazilian Law. He is a renowned speaker in seminars and lectures and he has been speaking at International Bar Association IBA annual conferences around the world. Mr. Alessandro Jacob's guiding concern is to give clients clear and straightforward advice on complex areas of the law.

He counsels individuals, families, business owners, trustees and executors. His experience in Brazilian Law serves him well in counseling clients. He believes that a good lawyer avoids complexity and makes things simpler for his clients. In the process of providing teamwork, commitment and dedication, he has built a strong foundation in the Brazilian community based on trust and loyalty. Mr. Jacob is also involved in many bar activities. He frequently appears in the TV advising on Brazilian Law.

Beside his professional personality, Mr. Jacob is an avid runner and enjoys spending leisure time with his family.


  • Pontifícia Universidade Católica - RJ
  • Escola Superior de Advocacia
  • Fundação Getúlio Vargas
  • Harvard

Admissions to Practice

  • The whole country of Brazil and Portugal.

Professional Affiliations

  • • Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil - RJ -128.041
  • Ordem dos Advogados de Portugal - 68518L
  • International Bar Association - 1008212
  • Union Internationale des Avocats - MI021876
  • Creci-RJ - 43190


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

Find Us

Rio de Janeiro

Av. Presidente Wilson, 231 / Salão 902 Parte - Centro
CEP 20030-021 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

+55 21 3942-1026

São Paulo

Travessa Dona Paula, 13 - Higienópolis
CEP -01239-050 - São Paulo - SP

+ 55 11 3280-2197