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Law amends CPC and maintains jurisdiction of Small Claims Courts
President Luiz Lula da Silva has sanctioned Law 14,976/24 , which amends the CPC to reaffirm the jurisdiction of Small Claims Courts in the judgment of less complex cases, eliminating the need for a specific law. The measure aims to ensure that these actions continue to be processed and judged by these Courts, as established by Law 9,099/95.
The text amends the CPC to confirm the jurisdiction of the Small Claims Courts. According to the current Code, a new law should define which cases would fall under the jurisdiction of these Courts. Thus, Law 9,099 of 1995 remains in force, which assigns the Courts the conciliation, process and judgment of civil actions of lesser complexity and valued at up to 40 minimum wages.
Law 14,976/24 came into force on the date of its publication.
The law was sanctioned by President Lula. 
Read the full law:
LAW Nº 14.976, OF SEPTEMBER 18, 2024
Amends Law No. 13,105 of March 16, 2015 (Code of Civil Procedure), in order to provide for the jurisdiction of small claims courts for the processing and judgment of cases provided for in item II of art. 275 of Law No. 5,869 of January 11, 1973.
THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC I hereby make it known that the National Congress decrees and I sanction the following Law:
Art. 1 This Law amends art. 1,063 of Law No. 13,105 of March 16, 2015 (Code of Civil Procedure), in order to provide for the jurisdiction of the small claims courts for the processing and judgment of the cases provided for in item II of art. 275 of Law No. 5,869 of January 11, 1973.
Art. 2º Art. 1,063 of Law No. 13,105, of March 16, 2015 (Code of Civil Procedure), shall come into force with the following wording:
Art. 1,063. The special civil courts provided for in Law No. 9,099 of September 26, 1995, continue to be competent to process and judge the cases provided for in item II of art. 275 of Law No. 5,869 of January 11, 1973. (NR)
Art. 3 This Law shall come into force on the date of its publication.
Brasilia, September 18, 2024; 203rd of Independence and 136th of the Republic.
link: https://www.migalhas.com.br/quentes/415603/lei-altera-cpc-e-mantem-competencia-dos-juizados-especiais-civeis


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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