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Debtor must pay R$182 thousand under penalty of seizure of assets.
A woman managed to prove in court that her credit card debt was the responsibility of a friend, who must now pay it.
The two met in 2021 while working at the same hospital, and the card loan began shortly after while shopping for clothes.
Later, the friend's son used the victim's card to finance a luxury car, valued at R$130,000, however, of the 48 planned installments, only seven were paid.
The victim reported that, despite the debt, her friend continued to flaunt a luxurious life on social media. 
Debt will be paid by friend who borrowed credit card from cardholder. 
In WhatsApp messages and emails, the debtor acknowledged responsibility and promised to pay the amount due.
Based on this evidence, the court in Fortaleza/CE concluded that liability was proven. The debtor now has 15 days to transfer the amount of R$182,000, under penalty of having her assets frozen and seized.
Natali Pontes, public defender, who represented the victim, celebrated the decision in an interview with UOL.
She highlighted the difficulty of the case, because in situations of trust, the parties generally do not worry about documenting the agreements. However, the victim had sufficient evidence to establish the link of responsibility.
The defender also highlighted that it was not possible to blame the card operator or transfer the debt to another name, since the credit card contract is non-transferable.
link: https://www.migalhas.com.br/quentes/414862/amiga-deve-pagar-divida-de-cartao-de-credito-que-pegou-emprestado


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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