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Water System Creation

Gabriel created a system that will cost only R $ 450 for water stations and is able to filter microplastic waste, cleaning the water.  - Photo: personal archive
 Even with the filtering carried out by supply centers, the water in our taps still contains microplastic residues, substances that, consumed involuntarily for a long period, can cause damage to our organism because they carry heavy metals, harmful to humans and animals.
 To improve water quality, student Gabriel Fernandes Mello Ferreira, from Itajaí, Santa Catarina, created a filtration system that proved to be 100% efficient for retaining microplastics.
 The system drew so much attention, as it is of low cost of production and efficient, that it will be adopted by a Water Treatment Station (ETA), responsible for 70% of the supply of Itajaí and Navegantes.
 With the creation, Gabriel was also selected for the final of the 19th edition of the Brazilian Science and Engineering Fair (Febrace).
 How the system works
 The treatment process currently applied to the water.  it has several stages, such as decantation, filtration, disinfection and fluoridation.  These steps are able to remove impurities from the water, however, not to the point of retaining microplastics.
 The system created by Gabriel works in a much simpler way, retaining the microplastic particles.
 “Microplastics are less dense than water and, therefore, the filtration mechanism filters only the superficial part of the water layer.  The filter uses a skimmer that, through pipes, directs the water to a plastic cylinder with a 300µ opening nylon mesh bottom.  This collecting cup is the filtering element, where the water passes and the microplastic is retained in the mesh ”, explains the young man.
 Low cost
 Gabriel explains that the mechanism can be easily implemented in water treatment plants and costs only R $ 450.
 Gabriel's entire project was assisted by professors Fernanda and Lenon.  They say they are proud to be able to take a school project, for the first time, to a national award.
 The list of finalist projects for the 19th edition of Febrace - which encourages students to find technological, engineering solutions to solve problems on a large scale - will be between 15 and 27 March, virtually.
 During the event, the finalist projects will be available to the public through the Febrace Virtual platform.  Visitors will be able to get to know each one of them, leave comments with messages of encouragement, suggestions and even vote for their favorite ideas for the Febrace Virtual Award


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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