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Posted on 05/31/2022 1:31 pm
Deadline for municipalities to send data on sanitation is extended until June 13
The New Legal Framework for Basic Sanitation has strengthened the importance of the SNIS - Photo: MDR
The Federal Government, through the Ministry of Regional Development (MDR), extended, until June 13, the deadline for Brazilian municipalities to provide information for updating the National Sanitation Information System (SNIS). The tool is fundamental for the planning of basic sanitation in the country, both for the federal bodies as well as for states and municipalities.
The general coordinator of Integrated Management of the National Sanitation Department (SNS) of the MDR, Paulo Rogério dos Santos e Silva, highlights the importance of municipalities accessing the system and filling in the forms for water and sewage, solid waste and rainwater. The orientation is that the filling is not left for the last days, because the system can be overloaded.
“Municipalities that do not fill in the information will be in default with the SNS and, as a result, will be prevented from obtaining federal funds for investments in basic sanitation”, warns Santos e Silva. This rule is part of the New Sanitation Framework (Law No. 14,026, of July 15, 2020), which updated Law No. 11,445, of January 5, 2007.
the SNIS
The National Sanitation Information System (SNIS) is the largest and most important information system in the Brazilian sanitation sector and has a database with information and indicators on the provision of water and sewage services, urban solid waste management and urban stormwater drainage and management.
The New Legal Framework for Basic Sanitation strengthened the importance of the SNIS. In addition to the fact that the provision of information to the system is a condition for accessing federal resources, it is also necessary to prove the minimum loss rates, and for that the data must be in the system.
the data collection
SNIS data are collected annually from municipalities and basic sanitation service providers, following the collection schedule for each component. The filling out forms contain information of an institutional, administrative, operational, managerial, economic-financial, accounting and service quality nature and are available at this link.
With information from the Ministry of Regional Development.


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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